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20/06/2023 • Fiche pratique
Cette Fiche Pratique est issue des travaux du Groupe de Travail CRiP Open Source sur 2022-2023.
Cette Fiche Pratique est issue des travaux du Groupe de Travail CRiP Open Source sur 2022-2023.
08/12/2021 • Fiche pratique
This Exec Summary was drawn up from discussions between members of the CRiP Open Source Working Group during the 2019/2020 season. Contents : 1) Why get involved with Open Source ?, 2) How is the free ecosystem different from the proprietary world ?, 3) Open Source support and expertise, 4) Open… Suite
This Exec Summary was drawn up from discussions between members of the CRiP Open Source Working Group during the 2019/2020 season. Contents : 1) Why get involved with Open Source ?, 2) How is the free ecosystem different from the proprietary world ?, 3) Open Source support and expertise, 4) Open Source purchasing and supplier relationships, 5) Open Source skills management : attract, train, retain, 6) Durability of the Open Source solution, 7) What Open Source strategy should you adopt ?